Problems with modern society and why minimalism is a better way of Life?

Money Magnet.
4 min readOct 22, 2020
Minimalism is joy

Problems with modern society;

Modern societies are complex, restless and confusing. Consumerism is destroying. Materialism has taken over our daily lives, but is it really our fault? Is it time for a sanity check? Minimalism is healing and not to be mistaken for less and I am going to show you, why it is in fact more…….

Just look below at some contributing factors which led to my madness. These are just some of the reasons why I was so unhappy and maybe they are getting at you too. All this modern-day fluff led me to search for an alternative. I have since invited change and minimalism into my life.

Social Media

The desires for more is fueled by social media.


Despite having too much, we are tormented by the desire for more knowing that other people are a lot better off than we are.


Engrossed in a state of comparison has led to the detriment of our own happiness.


Aspiring to lead a more luxurious life is a treadmill that keeps consumers in debt and constantly working harder to get where everyone else seems to be.

